Build Your Own Log Cabin for Under $15,000

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If you've ever considered building a wood cabin, you'll want to learn more about Castle's modified timber framing method. Castle's wood cabin building technique has evolved to allow him to do more with less. Many timber framers mill timbers flat and square on all sides. Timbers that are trimmed square and straight are significantly easier to work with, especially when cutting the log house joints or attaching sheathing to the outside of the timber log house frame. The downside is that square-timber framing usually requires expensive woods, such as white oak, that are dimensionally stable and don't tend to twist as they dry.
William Castle has found a compromise that gives him the benefits of both techniques, including a three-quarter-round timber frame. Castle simplifies his cutting and fitting by milling one or two sides of each log flat but then leaving the other sides in the round, which keeps the log stronger and less likely to twist. This allows the use of smaller trees of non-premium tree species, even with minimal drying. For more than 50 years, William Castle has been building bridges, log cabins, and huts of all shapes and sizes. Forest areas like that of his native Belmont, New York, often have an abundance of junk timber that has little commercial value because of its small diameter, twisted grain, or other imperfections. The modified timber-framing log cabin building method Castle has developed lets him build a home quickly and easily from this low-cost, local resource. Living in a small wooden house offers many benefits, including some of the following.
Building a small wooden house is a great way to save money, especially when home prices are out of reach. On top of saving money, a log cabin build offers the feeling of accomplishment at building something yourself and will go a long way in having the log home meet your expectations. When you make a log cabin yourself, each log and building material has to pass through your hands and is sure to have a story to tell. And while building a small wooden house is no easy task, the challenge is part of what makes it so unique. Just imagine when your log cabin is complete, whether for full-time living or use as a vacation home, you will have completed the DIY project independently. This is not to say that you can't have help along the way because that is always a good idea. You might also learn some tips and tricks and get a sense of community when others help with your log house construction.
If you love log cabin living, you'll love cabin core, the movement encouraging people to slow down and appreciate the simplicity of a comfortable and cozy setting. Cabincore is an aesthetic that celebrates log cabin life and all that comes with it. This means appreciating a world outside the city and enjoying the simple things in life. Fans of cabincore spend their weekends heading to the woods, lake, or mountain towns.