This Tiny House Has All the Amenities of an Upscale Hotel Room

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There is so much to love about this amazing tiny house vacation rental located in Fredericksburg, Texas, United States. This tiny house has all the amenities of an upscale hotel room yet with unique and exquisite design and decor. The tiny house design has a queen size bed with a super-comfy Chime mattress that will help you fall asleep fast. There is a full-size shower and the bathroom is snuggled into the back of the tiny house unit and has endless hot water. For your morning coffee, a Keurig and K-cups are provided along with a microwave for heating your popcorn in the evening. Climb up to the rooftop deck for stargazing or your morning coffee. If you've ever wondered what small house living is like, this is the perfect place to stay. The following are just a few of the benefits of small house living.
Small house living saves you money. Smaller homes typically cost less, which frees up money every month to spend on things that you want. You will save on your electric bill and the amount of furniture and stuff that you need to fill a larger house. Just as important as having extra money to spend every month, is knowing that you are living below your means. This will give you peace of mind if you have a major financial setback such as being unable to work, losing a job, or having a serious medical problem. One of the advantages of living in smaller homes is that you should only really use what you need. This lowers your monthly living expenses and makes any cost more justifiable.
A smaller house is easy to clean. Cleaning 500 square feet is a lot less work than 2,000 square feet. When you are cleaning your tiny house every week you'll be sure to save time, you won't have to worry about carrying a vacuum up three flights of stairs, and your cleaning should be reduced by 50 to 75 percent, which will give you more time to do the things you enjoy. Simplified living. Families that live in large homes hardly ever need all the space. Most home designs only use a small portion of what is available. One of the big advantages of small house living is that you can utilize your space a whole lot better. In a small house, you will use every room and each bit of space rather than have empty and unnecessary areas. This can make your entire lifestyle significantly easier.
Smaller mortgage. With larger-sized homes come big mortgages. If you are planning on buying a new house, a tiny house design will generally be a whole lot cheaper. This can help you a great deal in the long run. No one wants to get stuck paying off a large mortgage. Many people would rather pay for a tiny house where you know that each bit of space is completely necessary. This also applies to rentals. If you are paying rent each month, make sure it is for a space that you are using.

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